The Values of COX Regression Model in the Clinical Medicine Research
摘要: 在临床医学科研中常会遇到生存数据的统计学处理分析问题,而比例危险率回归模型(简称COX回归模型)常用来进行影响生存时间的多因素分析;故在论文撰写中需根据科研设计类型和研究变量特征,进行合理的临床流行病学和医学统计学思维,以便得到正确结果。Abstract: It’s a common situation for a survival data statistics in the clinical researches. Proportional hazards regression model is often applied for the multivariate analysis on survival time. So, it’s necessary to have a correct thinking in clinical epidemiology and medical statistics for the good paper-writing, which is based on the research-type and variable-characteristic, as to achieve a correct result.