Advances in Preventive Treatment for Migraine
摘要: 概述预防偏头痛的各种方法,主要分为非药物治疗及药物治疗两种。非药物治疗包括避免环境诱发因素、良好的生活方式、高压氧治疗、针灸、行为疗法等。药物治疗包括β受体阻滞剂、5羟色胺拮抗剂、抗癫痫药、抗抑郁药、钙拮抗剂、血管紧张素抑制剂、曲坦类等。Abstract: The article mainly summarizes all kinds of methods to take precaution against the migraine, including two ways: one is non-medication and the other is medication. The way of nonmedication involves those aspects, such as avoiding factors caused by enviroment, fine life-style, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, acupuncture and moxibustion. The medication includes beta-blocker, anti-eclampsia, 5-HT antagonist, anti-epileptic, antidepressants calcium antagonist, angiotensin blockers, triptan etc.