Electronic Patient Record System Based on New Application Integration Platform of Evidence-Based Medicine Research
摘要: 概述新版电子病历系统的特点、与循证医学的关系,在新版电子病历系统融合平台下构建循证医学知识库的技术要点和案例分析。新版电子病历系统与循证医学知识库有效融合,有利于临床医师知识层面的扩展、业务水平和内涵素质的提高,对临床决策支持起到促进作用。Abstract: This article provides a brief overview feature of the new electronic medical record system(EMRS), and its relationship with evidence-based medicine, as well as building the knowledge base of evidence-based medicine applied research and case analysis in the new version of EMRS integration platform. Results show that new version of EMRS provide more data to support evidence-based decision-making, upgrade clinicians level, help to improve the quality of clinical practise.