
    A Critical Review of Narrative-Based Medicine—Its Recent Development and Prospective Outlook

    • 摘要: 叙事医学是一门以患者为中心的医学模式, 它可以帮助医务工作者了解患者对病痛的切身体验和感受,与患者共情,为患者提供更优质的医疗服务。在临床实践中,叙事医学可以与循证医学平行发展并与之有效地整合。基于叙事医学在临床实践的重要性,论述叙事医学的起源、发展及临床应用情况,分析评价叙事医学与循证医学的辩证关系和整合的可能性,并进一步讨论叙事医学对促进转化医学在中国医疗体系发展的积极贡献。


      Abstract: Narrative-based medicine is a medical model that provides clinicians with a constructivist approach to understanding, empathizing and acting upon patients’ experience of pain and illness. This medical model can work parallel to, and can be integrated with, evidence-based medicine in clinical practice. This article provides a comprehensive review of narrative-based medicine, examining its theoretical background, its development and its implementation in recent medical practice. The dialectical relationship between narrative medicine and evidence-based medicine is discussed before an integrated framework is proposed that allows both medical models to work together in China’s medical care system. Finally, it argues that the narrative-based model can play an important role in China’s fast-moving translational medicine.


