白璐, 钟泳如, 顾萍. 基于ESI和InCites的我国学科评价实证研究——以分子生物学与遗传学学科为例[J]. 循证医学, 2017, 17(5): 297-304. DOI: 10.12019/j.issn.1671-5144.2017.05.014
    引用本文: 白璐, 钟泳如, 顾萍. 基于ESI和InCites的我国学科评价实证研究——以分子生物学与遗传学学科为例[J]. 循证医学, 2017, 17(5): 297-304. DOI: 10.12019/j.issn.1671-5144.2017.05.014
    BAI Lu, ZHONG Yong-ru, GU Ping. An Empirical Study on The Discipline Evaluation in China Based on ESI and InCites: A Case Study of Molecular Biology and Genetics[J]. Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine, 2017, 17(5): 297-304. DOI: 10.12019/j.issn.1671-5144.2017.05.014
    Citation: BAI Lu, ZHONG Yong-ru, GU Ping. An Empirical Study on The Discipline Evaluation in China Based on ESI and InCites: A Case Study of Molecular Biology and Genetics[J]. Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine, 2017, 17(5): 297-304. DOI: 10.12019/j.issn.1671-5144.2017.05.014


    An Empirical Study on The Discipline Evaluation in China Based on ESI and InCites: A Case Study of Molecular Biology and Genetics

    • 摘要: 目的 为国内高校和科研机构发展ESI分子生物学与遗传学学科提供科研合作参考和指引,为该领域的研究人员提供建议和指导。 方法 从发文量和总被引次数两方面综合考虑选取大陆及港台地区Top20所具有标杆意义的机构作为研究对象,对其近10年的数据运用文献计量学方法进行发展态势分析,分析维度包括科研生产力、科研影响力、发文期刊、发文作者统计、国际合作论文五方面。 结果和结论 通过分析对比大陆及港台Top20所机构在科研生产力、科研影响力和国际交流合作中的发展情况和变化趋势,认为大陆机构在该学科科研产出方面表现亮眼,所选的港台机构科研影响力较强,且国际合作水平高的机构发展速度更快。


      Abstract: Objective The research aimed to provide reference and guidelines for the development of ESI molecular biology and genetics in domestic universities and research institutions, and to provide suggestions for researchers in the field of bibliometrics. Methods This paper chooses the Top20 benchmark institutions in mainland China, Hongkong and Taiwan as the research object, and uses the bibliometrics method to analyze the development trend of the data in the past 10 years. There are five aspects of dimensions: scientific research productivity, scientific research influence, periodicals, published author statistics, international cooperation papers. Results and Conclusions Analysis and comparison of the mainland, Hongkong and Taiwan Top20 institutions in scientific research productivity, scientific research and international exchanges and cooperation in the development of the situation and trends, the conclusions included that the mainland institutions in the discipline of better scientific output, the selected Hongkong institutions' scientific research influence stronger, and the level of international cooperation in the development of institutions faster.


